Saturday, December 26, 2009

Greg Hungerford Memorial Service Information

I just learned that the memorial service will be held Tuesday. 3pm at
Burroughs Funeral Home
1382 Hwy 65 West
Walnut Cove 27052
336 591-4341

Since there's not going to be a wake, and since Greg and I have a tradition of almost 25 years of getting together for dinner once a week to talk about politics, I'm going to go to San Luis Mexican Restaurant in Greensboro that evening at 7:00pm for dinner and invite any of Greg's friends to come along, though I don't think we'll be discussing much politics. There are two San Luis; this is the one on the southern side of I40, not the one near the coliseum.

1 comment:

  1. Greg spoke of you often, and I wish I could join you down there. Please do order an extra ceviche for my friend, it's the one thing he was so looking forward to having once he was again able to eat solid food.
